A couple of years ago, I shared my fear about the unknown holes in my knowledge. There are certainly some things that I “should” know, that you absolutely know but I simply don’t. The problem is that I have no idea what those are, and going on a game show could be a great way to showcase one of those blind spots to the world.
As a result, I try to show grace when people don’t know “something obvious”, because I’m likely the same in some other areas.
Earlier this year on LinkedIn, Allison Giddens recommended the book “Blind Spots” by Madeleine Van Hecke, and it was fantastic. Madeleine talks about the ways blind spots can form, and tactics to help overcome them. Over the next few weeks, some of my posts will be inspired from the book; I won’t be walking through all of her ideas, but some things really jumped out to me. Look for those soon, and I encourage you to check out the book for yourself.
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