Reading Time: 2 minI recently finished reading the book “The Business of Expertise” and it was fantastic. If you’re in a creative field, I highly recommend it. As I’ve shared before, I try to carefully track the books I read and work to know why I’m reading a particular book. In this case, my notes show that my […]
I find time in the week, not time in the day
Reading Time: < 1 minMy schedule can vary quite a lot from day to day. As of this writing, I was swamped yesterday (and will be tomorrow), but today was much more quiet so I was able to catch up quite a bit. In trying to publish every day, these kinds of days are essential. As I’ve mentioned before, […]
Excellence doesn’t need to be perfect
Reading Time: < 1 minIt’s been said that “perfection is the enemy of done”, in that people will work so hard to make a product or idea absolutely perfect that it never gets finished. However, something doesn’t need to be perfect for it to still be excellent. In his book “Unreasonable Hospitality“, author Will Guidara puts it like this: […]
Boast or fact?
Reading Time: < 1 minWhen marketing your company, there’s a fine line between boasting and sharing facts. Boasting can be fine is certain cases, but facts should always win. A recent post from Jonathan Stark laid this out perfectly, and he compared it to the movie “Elf” where Buddy tries the “World’s Best Cup Of Coffee”. If you’ve not […]
Give or take?
Reading Time: 2 minAfter my recent post “experts don’t cold call“, I had an interesting comment from a friend. He defended cold calling to a degree, and ended with “you have to start somewhere when you’re new“. I agree with that, but you have a choice when you’re new: you can choose to give of yourself, or you […]
Personas are specific, but not precise
Reading Time: 2 minWhen working on defining your target audience, building a persona can be a great exercise. It’s something I do with some of my writing, where I occasionally write for a specific vision of a person. Having a person in mind when writing content can be a huge benefit, and it can ensure that you’re using […]
Google Reader hurt the internet the most
Reading Time: 2 minOver the years, Google has killed off a lot of products, with the “Killed by Google” site listing 280 of them as of now. Most were pretty small ones you’ve never heard of, but some were rather substantial. I was a big fan of Google+, and I’m still upset that they canceled Stadia. While those […]
Experts don’t cold call
Reading Time: 2 minSome of the funniest emails I get are from “SEO experts”, and I’m sure you get many of the same. My initial thought is “if they’re so good at SEO, why do they need to resort to spam?”. Of course, they’re not any good at it, which is why spam becomes their tactic. In a […]
The truth versus paywalls
Reading Time: 2 minIt feels like most information today is free, and it largely is. Movies and music are locked up in services like Netflix and Spotify, but most news and information is free, right? It largely is, but the growing list of news outlets that are putting up paywalls is becoming troublesome. I don’t object to them […]
Keep it simple: Sonder to Empathy, or Experience to Work
Reading Time: 2 minI’ve written a few times on here about the goal of keeping things simple, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t fall prey to overly-exotic words sometimes. Two examples showcase that. Sonder First is the idea of sonder, which I wrote about a few years ago. While many people may not know the word, reading […]