Reading Time: < 1 minWhen writing (or recording a video, or a podcast), there’s a fine balance between being informative and treating your readers like they’re dumb. This is something I struggle with a lot. If I’m talking about something like my move to Obsidian, I try to balance the “here is what I’m doing with Obsidian” along with […]
Notes from “The Four Tendencies”
Reading Time: 5 minI recently went through the book “The Four Tendencies” by Gretchen Rubin and found it to be a fascinating look at an aspect of human behavior. I encourage you to give it a read. Below you will find my notes (gathered in Obsidian) to give you an overview. If you’re familiar with it, what type […]
Conviction doesn’t require a closed mind
Reading Time: < 1 minBeing convicted in your beliefs is a powerful thing. If you put in the work and really know what you believe in, that can add solid direction to your life. For me, I’ve very convicted in some areas and more curious in others, but most everything should have a bit of both of those. Just […]
Kindness is about the recipient
Reading Time: < 1 minFor years, I thought that a key to being a good leader was to treat your staff with kindness. That’s not wrong, but research into various personality profiles (such as enneagram and DISC) have shown me that “kind” is different depending on who you’re talking to. An old business coach of ours laid it out […]
Being kind doesn’t mean you’re a pushover
Reading Time: < 1 minWe could all stand to see a bit more kindness in the world but I think it’s often seen as the opposite of “toughness”, even though the two can go hand-in-hand. You can be strong and relentless in all you do, while still being kind while you do it. If you think you need to […]
If we spam you, please be polite to us
Reading Time: 2 minI recently came across a fascinating thread on LinkedIn where salespeople were frustrated by being “ghosted” by potential clients. They’d reach out, and simply get no response. Ghosting someone isn’t generally a nice thing to do, but there was a big difference with this thread — almost everyone in there was sending cold emails (you […]
Alternative facts come from a lack of detail
Reading Time: < 1 min“Alternative facts” are a real thing, at least to some degree. Here are two quick examples. First is this image that has been shared around quite a bit: The second are the facts that Chick-Fil-A is mathematically the fastest drive-thru restaurant, but they’re also mathematically the slowest drive-thru restaurant. Both are 100% factual, from the […]
Clear is kind
Reading Time: < 1 minIf you follow Gary Vaynerchuk very much, you’ve probably noticed that his big push lately is for “kind candor“. In his earlier years he did well with the “kind” part, but hid from the “candor”, which was a big disservice to those on his team. You don’t need to hide from the truth, but don’t […]
Your visitors have their own mission
Reading Time: < 1 minYour company very likely has a mission statement that you’re proud of, and you probably should be. Having a solid mission is a great thing, but your customers care almost nothing about it. When they come to your site, they don’t want to hear about your mission — they have their own mission that they’re […]
You’re a mashup of what you let in
Reading Time: < 1 minYou can choose how you want to think, or you can let others decide for you. I’ve shared many times about working to avoid the filter bubble online, and to keep a wide variety of perspectives in your view. Some people choose to fight it, and some choose to let it in. Many prefer to […]