Reading Time: < 1 minThere are two kinds of people in this world. Those that show up to be seen, and those that show up to see others. In his book “High Performance Habits“, author Brendon Burchard puts it this way: “There are two types of people. One walks into the room and announces, ‘Here I am!’ The other […]
The Carbon Almanac
Reading Time: < 1 minIn the past few weeks, Seth Godin (with the help of hundreds of volunteers) has released “The Carbon Almanac“, a massive book full of facts about climate change. Their goal was to create “a source of reliable and easily understandable knowledge on climate change…that you can share to create meaningful impact.” Regardless your stance on […]
Wait for the fat pitch
Reading Time: 2 minThere are times when you need to do something quickly. If your car is on the last drop of gas, you can’t mess around finding a deal to save 3 cents. If a pipe burst in your house and you can’t get it to stop, spending the next two hours getting the best rate from […]
What are you spending your attention on?
Reading Time: < 1 minAs Seth Godin pointed out in a recent podcast titled “What you pay for”, he says there is a reason it’s called “paying attention”. Throughout your day, you are selling your attention for something in return such as information, entertainment, or status. The challenge we’re facing is that humans only have so much attention that […]
Daily writing requires (reasonably) consistent routines
Reading Time: 2 minOne thing I learned from breaking my writing streak last week is just how fragile it can be. While I certainly believe that there is benefit to most people if they were to start blogging every day, I also recognize that for many people that’s an incredibly big thing to ask. For those people, it’s […]
Simpson’s Paradox can make sports stats look weird
Reading Time: < 1 minLet’s look at two NBA legends, Larry Bird and Reggie Miller. When it came to two-point shots, Larry shot 50.9% and Reggie shot 51.6%, so Reggie was better there. When it came to three-point shots, Larry shot 37.6% and Reggie shot 39.5%, so Reggie was better there as well. However, when you add them together […]
Cool Heads Can Beat Courage
Reading Time: < 1 minI shared a few weeks ago that being calm can be contagious. If there is a hectic situation, your ability to keep calm will be seen and felt by others, and will hopefully inspire them to do the same. Related is the idea that keeping a cool head is generally more advantageous than simply showing […]
Is your decision a one-way door or a two-way door?
Reading Time: < 1 minWe face a lot of decisions in life, and putting a framework around them can be helpful. Some decisions need to be carefully thought through, where other decisions only require a moment’s thought. It’s like Chidi’s constant indecision in the show “The Good Place”: An episode of “The Long and The Short Of It” podcast […]
It’s the strong swimmers who drown
Reading Time: < 1 minIn some facets of life, focusing on simply being “not stupid” is your best bet. Striving to get ahead can be good in many places, but knowing when to pump the brakes and just keep things on track can save a lot of heartache. Charlie Munger has based much of his investing career on this, […]
Who should you accept criticism from?
Reading Time: < 1 minWhenever you do something in public, from writing to speaking to sports, critics will find you. When should you listen to them and when should you ignore them? In his book “Limitless“, author Jim Kwik makes it really simple: “Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.” There are a lot of people […]