Reading Time: < 1 minIf you’ve ever watched “Better Call Saul”, you’re likely familiar with Lalo Salamanca. When his uncle Hector has a stroke and is debilitated, Lalo comes up from Mexico to Albuquerque to help oversee the family business. He wants to get a feel for how things are run, so he asks a lot of questions. As […]
Context is essential for learning
Reading Time: < 1 minI recently was going back through a book I read a while ago, and I had highlighted some sections inside of it. Those sections were indeed interesting, but the highlight was mostly useless. Why had I highlighted those words? Did I agree with them? Disagree? Have other thoughts? There was no way to easily tell. […]
Honest skepticism
Reading Time: 2 minIf you disagree with something I post on here, or something you read elsewhere, or with a position that a political candidate holds, that’s great! You shouldn’t (and really can’t) agree with everything out there, so holding your position is very important. However, what if you later realize that you were wrong? If you said […]
A good decision versus a good outcome
Reading Time: < 1 minI’ve talked about this idea a good bit on here, but it’s one that I continually struggle to understand myself. Much of this comes from Annie Duke, with thoughts like: Don’t be so hard on yourself when things go badly and don’t be so proud of yourself when they go well. An article in Psychology […]
Go to bed smarter than when you woke up
Reading Time: < 1 minI love this simple quote from Charlie Munger: “Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.“ In the case of Munger and his business partner Warren Buffett, the easiest way to do that is to read — a lot. Buffett famously spends 80% of his day reading and thinking. While most of us aren’t […]
Interpersonal versus social empathy
Reading Time: < 1 minI talk about empathy on here quite a bit (there’s a whole category for it), as it’s a skill I’m working to improve in my own life. The more I read and learn about it, the more my skill of empathy slowly improves. Until now, though, I’ve largely thought of empathy as a personal thing […]
Moving from Obsidian to Tana?
Reading Time: 2 minWhen I moved my notes database from Roam Research to Obsidian earlier this year, I expected I’d stay there for quite a while. Obsidian is a great tool, and I spoke about the reasons for my move in that earlier post. Now, more quickly than I expected, I’m moving everything over to Tana. What is […]
Knowing it all is just the beginning
Reading Time: < 1 minWhen hosting our Meetup last week about professional development for marketers, Robert made a simple and profound statement — “there are no experts”. He clarified, and I agree, that there are a lot of people out there that are very wise, many of whom know a lot more than we do. However, as soon as […]
Sometimes you should make things more difficult
Reading Time: 2 minBack in high school, I was a fantastic three-point shooter — during practice. If I could just pick a spot and keep getting balls sent to me, I could hit them all day. I think my best was like 23 in a row. Games were a different story, though, and I was considerably worse than […]
Blind Spots scare me
Reading Time: < 1 minA couple of years ago, I shared my fear about the unknown holes in my knowledge. There are certainly some things that I “should” know, that you absolutely know but I simply don’t. The problem is that I have no idea what those are, and going on a game show could be a great way […]