Reading Time: < 1 minRepetitions can lead to greatness. In a recent episode of “The Long and the Short of it” podcast, Jen Waldman shared a quote from a football player who explained: “The point of practice and running all of these drills and studying over and over again is so on gameday my only job is to react.” […]
You are trained on the content of your life
Reading Time: < 1 minAI can do some amazing things, and I’m using it more and more frequently. However, it has a major limitation — it hasn’t lived your life. Jay Acunzo worded this well in a blog post about his “Idea Impact Matrix” where he said: AI is trained on internet content. You are trained on the content […]
Finding the “middle place”
Reading Time: < 1 minSocial media has some serious flaws, no doubt, but there is still a lot of good to be found on there. I enjoy seeing what my friends are up to and celebrating or grieving as we all go through life together. The problem, as social media sites are specifically designed to do, is that we […]
Blameless Postmortems
Reading Time: < 1 minThe idea of a “postmortem” is something we try to do after every major project. We look back at how things went, be glad about what went well, and work on things to improve for the next one. The key to a solid postmortem, and to leading a solid team, is to focus on the […]
What are libraries for?
Reading Time: < 1 minWhat is the purpose of a library? Really, what is it? There are two ways to look at it: While the two are similar in practice, the philosophy behind each is very different. In Seth Godin’s famous “Stop Stealing Dreams” article (which you should think of a free two-hour book, not just a super long […]
Random posts
Reading Time: 3 minI’ve been slowly migrating my notes from Obsidian to Tana, and part of that involves essentially visiting every blog post on here again (inside of my notes) to get things properly tagged. It’ll be wildly useful when I’m done, but it’s rather tedious right now. However, I’m getting a lot of value out of seeing […]
Four years of daily blogging
Reading Time: 2 minIt’s hard to believe that today makes four years since I started writing every day. It’s also amazing to me that my core purpose for blogging hasn’t really changed either. If anything, I’ve continued to dig even deeper into my reasons for doing this. In particular, I’m doing and more and more to give myself […]
I love talking to people about their favorite book
Reading Time: 2 minDepending on when you read this, we’re somewhere around 31 episodes into the Stacking Knowledge podcast and going strong. Every episode features me speaking with a guest about a business/life book that they got something out of, and the conversations have been phenomenal. The wisdom that my guests have brought has been amazing. In a […]
Self-education beats formal education
Reading Time: < 1 minFormal education is essential. Without understanding the basics (with “the basics” meaning “years of schooling”), you have no foundation on which to grow further. However, the further growth is where the real value lies. In his book “Selling in a Post-Trust World“, author Larry Levine shares a simple quote from Jim Rohn that says: “Formal […]
What do you do with those pictures of slides?
Reading Time: 2 minPart of our team just spent a few days at the Digital Summit conference here in Atlanta, and it was excellent. We picked up some great tips and ideas that we’ve already started to use, and I’m sure more will come out as we unpack further. My thought for today is “what does unpacking really […]