Reading Time: 3 minYou’ve undoubtedly seen this image passed around on Facebook during the holiday season, but virtually every claim in the image is false. I’m not sure why someone is presenting the info like this, but let’s dig in. The American Red Cross Claim: President and CEO Marsha J. Evans’ Salary for the year was $651,957 Plus expenses […]
Social Media
How to easily keep up with 538 blogs
Reading Time: 3 minImagine for a minute that you had to personally request each email that you wanted to receive. Each morning you’d get up and go through your list of people that might have email for you: “Kelly, do you have any email for me today?” Nope. “Ali, do you have any email for me today?” Yes, […]
Be free to change your mind
Reading Time: 2 minJeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of, recently made a powerful statement that has a lot of people thinking. According to Jason Fried at 37signals, Bezos said “people who were right a lot of time were people who often changed their minds“. In other words, putting your foot down and refusing to view things […]
Google+ getting a major visual overhaul
Reading Time: < 1 minGoogle is in the process of rolling out a major update to Google+ and it looks amazing! Here’s a video to show you what they’re doing: In particular, they’ll be showing photos and videos in a larger format, adding a “ribbon” down the sidebar and making major changes to the profile pages. It looks pretty […]
Barack Obama plans to “hang out” next Monday
Reading Time: < 1 minIn another nice score for Google+, President Obama plans to take part in a Google+ hangout for 45 minutes on Monday, January 30. You can submit questions to the president via YouTube, and he’ll answer them in the hangout. Some of the users that submit questions will be invited to join the live hangout. In […]
Google+ reaches 90 million users
Reading Time: < 1 minGoogle+ now has 90 million users, according to a statement that Google released today: Google had a really strong quarter ending a great year. Full year revenue was up 29%, and our quarterly revenue blew past the $10 billion mark for the first time,” said Larry Page, CEO of Google. “I am super excited about […]
New Google Reader rolling out with tight Google+ integration
Reading Time: < 1 minWhile not everyone is happy about this, I love it! The Google Reader overhaul is happening right now, and you should see it soon. Included… A new look, similar to other Google products You can +1 items in your feed (instead of “like”) and quickly share items with your Google+ circles. As part of that, […]
An excellent, quick look at Google+
Reading Time: < 1 minGoogle+ user Saidur (Cy) Hossain has just created an excellent guide for newbies on Google+. Specifically, it’s great for people that: A – Haven’t signed up yet. B – Signed up, but aren’t sure what to do. Go check it out here!
A great overview of Google+ from the folks at Hammock
Reading Time: < 1 minHammock Labs has written a nice overview of Google+, intended for a non-technical audience. What is Google+? (And why that’s not the important question) What can you do with Google+? Who can use Google+? How Google+ is like (and not like) Facebook How Google+ is like (and not like) Twitter How Google+ is like (and […]
Facebook blocks friend export tool
Reading Time: < 1 minContinuing their stance of locking up user data, which is completely the opposite of Google with their new “Data liberation” tool, Facebook has blocked the popular “Facebook Friend Exporter” app. The app has been around for nearly nine months, but got a huge influx of new users as people tried to export their Facebook friend […]