Reading Time: < 1 minAs time goes on, I’m becoming increasingly annoyed with unexpected interruption-based marketing. I’ve mentioned before that I’m fine with ads during TV shows, podcasts, and other areas where I expect it. I don’t like them, but I recognize that it’s part of the deal and it’s my “payment” for the content. Fair enough. However, as […]
Social Media
Service over selling
Reading Time: < 1 minI’ve followed Gary Vaynerchuk for quite a few years now. He can be a bit abrasive, and I don’t love everything he puts out, but he tells it straight and has built some big businesses. The part that stands out to me, after reading a few of his books and consuming dozens of videos and […]
Fix the damage, don’t bury it
Reading Time: < 1 minIn the past few months, I’ve seen a few situations on social media that were odd to me. First, a few months friend of mine shared a fake story related to George Floyd and his family. After he posted, it was shared a handful of times by other friends of his. Eventually someone pointed out […]
Filtering the entirety of my internetting through RSS
Reading Time: 2 minIn an episode of the Cortex podcast (#122: State of the Apps 2022), one of the hosts expressed his desire (and near achievement) to “filter the entirety of my internetting through RSS“. As that’s something I’m chasing as well, I thought it was an interesting statement and something worth unpacking a bit. First, some of […]
The best coaches have very few social media followers
Reading Time: < 1 minI heard the title of this post on a recent episode of “The Long and The Short Of It”, and I’ve been pondering it ever since then. Here is the full text of what Pete said on the show: It was in the health and fitness space, there was a strength coach that I follow […]
Know what to ignore
Reading Time: < 1 minWe are faced with a problem that was unthinkable until just the past few decades — we have too much information at our fingertips. Really, it’s not the issue of what’s at our fingertips but how much is being thrust at us. As I shared with my “Facebook still isn’t listening to you” post, each […]
Why WUPHF deserved to fail
Reading Time: 2 minIf you’ve watched much of the TV show “The Office”, you’ve likely heard of WUPHF. It was a company started by Ryan, where the app would send your outgoing messages everywhere all at once. I’m not talking about double-posting to Facebook and Instagram at once, but sending a direct message to a single person across […]
Algorithms versus value
Reading Time: < 1 minAs I’ve been working to improve my content on my LinkedIn profile over the past few months, I’ve learned a lot about how their algorithm works. For a while I was trying to tailor my posts to better suit their algorithm, but I’ve learned to (mostly) ignore it and focus on providing great value. For […]
Should your offline activities affect your Twitter account?
Reading Time: 2 minI’ve seen a lot of posts from conservative friends that suggest that Russia and other adversaries shouldn’t be allowed to have Twitter accounts. After all, if Twitter banned Donald Trump, they should ban others too, right? Twitter’s response has generally been that accounts are only removed for actions taken by a user on Twitter, not […]
The best people ask the toughest questions
Reading Time: 2 minI’ve talked a good bit over the last few weeks about learning to ask better questions, and I’ve seen two people in particular that consistently do a fantastic job of it. Todd I was on a “book club” call with Todd Stanton a few weeks ago, and we were very fortunate to have the author […]