Reading Time: < 1 minFor decades, there have been calls for Google to be more transparent about how their search algorithm works. While it’d be essentially impossible to share because it’s so wildly complex, even if sharing was possible it might still be a bad idea. In a recent Twitter poll, search engine experts were asked about the impact […]
The cycle of simple
Reading Time: < 1 minI’ve noticed a pattern in a few areas of business that goes roughly like this: Simple –> Complex –> Simple Websites The first place I’ve noticed this is with website design. When someone is just starting out, they build very simple sites. As their skills improve, they load websites up with more bells & whistles […]
More data = less value
Reading Time: < 1 minOur agency is a big believer in data. We track website metrics, social media metrics, email marketing metrics, and pull in great tools like heatmaps to take things even further. However, a problem that can quickly arise is having too much data. It’s easy to build a giant report that shows everything, but the result […]
Leave it better than you found it
Reading Time: 2 minThere are two main ways you can approach the internet: You can be patient and giving, contribute to the discourse, and leave it better than you found it. Work to squeeze every bit of value out of it and not worry about what’s left when you’re done. Individuals likely have some granular levels between those, […]
My sources for weather updates
Reading Time: 2 minFor roughly 300 days a year, the weather app on my phone is all I need. We live in Georgia, so temp and rain are really all I need to know about. However, for a few months each year we have an outside chance of seeing some snow, which I love, so I pay a […]
Your eyes follow your mouse
Reading Time: 2 minIt seems pretty logical, and it is, but when someone is moving their mouse around their computer screen, their eyes tend to follow. A paper out of Carnegie Mellon University studied this to determine exactly how much a person’s eyes match their mouse movements. They found: 84% of the times that a region was visited […]
Expand your mind with Heyday
Reading Time: 2 minWhile I use the native browser bookmarking tools a little bit, for years I’ve used various external tools to help keep sites organized. Right now I’m using (which I first talked about a few years ago), and it does a pretty good job. It has a browser plugin to make it easy to add […]
Your computer is way more powerful than you realize
Reading Time: < 1 minIt’s a common saying to hear things like “We have more power in our phones than NASA did in the 1960’s to put a man on the moon” — and it’s right! If anything, it’s a huge understatement. Rodney Brooks wrote a great article for IEEE Spectrum where he broke it all down, but his […]
Places where I was late
Reading Time: 2 minGenerally speaking, I’m an early adopter of new media and technology. I like to try out new toys, mostly as entertainment under the guise of productivity. Looking back, though, I see a few times when I was shockingly late to the game. Podcasts Two of my favorite new podcasts these days are The Office Ladies […]
Find your true fans
Reading Time: < 1 min11 years ago, Google did something amazingly creative to help find people to test their brand new Chromebooks. They offered some “spiffy Chrome stickers” to see which of their Facebook followers were really big Chrome fans. The idea was that you would have to take a quiz and then provide your mailing information — just […]