Reading Time: 2 minI’m sharing this largely because I wish I had known about it a few years ago, so maybe I can save someone else from that. In short, Zwift is an app that puts you in a virtual world connected to your treadmill or your stationary bike. It’s kind of like being in “Second Life”, in […]
Seriously, start your own blog
Reading Time: < 1 minWhile I’d love to see some kind of open-source, distributed social network start up, nothing is on the immediate horizon. However, we already have the tools in place to mostly do it ourselves. Here’s some thoughts about how we could make a better social network by starting our own blogs.
How does interstitial journaling work?
Reading Time: < 1 minA few months ago I said that I think blogging beats journaling, for a number of reasons. I still stand by that, but that’s certainly not to say that journaling is a bad thing. I recently read an article from Anne-Laure Le Cuff about the idea of interstitial journaling, and it seems to work well […]
Monologue vs Dialogue
Reading Time: < 1 minIs your marketing more monologue or an actual dialogue? There’s nothing wrong with a bit of monologue — buy a TV or radio ad, spread the message, and see what happens. Increasingly, though, customers are wanting more of a dialogue with the companies they do business with, and it’s important not to confuse the two. […]
Faster doesn’t always mean faster
Reading Time: 2 minThis hit me as kind of interesting when I realized it — the coming 5G cell phone speeds will be identical to every previous cell technology (4G, 3G, etc) that came before it. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, so there’s no getting any “faster”. The difference is in the throughput, or the […]
Hitting invisible targets
Reading Time: < 1 minOn September 7, 1979, Bill Rasmussen launched ESPN and did two things not seen before: It was all sports, all the time. It was on 24/7, which was largely unheard of at the time. They weren’t “the best” at either of those things — they were the first and only! It reminds me of a […]
Some quick tips for an ADA-compliant website
Reading Time: < 1 minWhile a website can’t technically be “ADA-compliant”, as they have no specific rules for websites, following the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) will get you a long way toward it. I’m certainly not a lawyer, and you can dig much deeper than what I present here, but these tips will easily put you in the […]
It’s not too late
Reading Time: 2 minI was listening to a podcast recently where one of the hosts was lamenting the fact that they didn’t invent any of the great new apps that seem somewhat obvious to us now, like Uber and Slack. They wished they could go back in time about 10 years and fix that, but “it’s too late […]
What happens if Section 230 is repealed?
Reading Time: 2 minDonald Trump has been pushing hard for Section 230 (part of the 1996 Communications Decency Act) to be repealed, but what happens if is it? For starters, it’d make things much worse for Trump. The bulk of Section 230 is this statement: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as […]
It’s reMarkable
Reading Time: 2 minI’ve been using the new reMarkable 2 tablet for a few weeks now, and it’s been a nice addition to my workflow. If you’re not familiar with it, here’s a quick video that shows what it’s about. As you can see in the video, it’s a paper-like replacement on a very focused device. It has […]