Reading Time: < 1 minLots more information about the Facebook 3.0 app is coming out. AppAdvice has posted a variety of features that you’ll find in the new app, such as: The new news feed, similar to the news feed on the main Facebook site. You can “like” items. No push notification, though they’re hoping to release that with […]
Discovery Channel 1.0
Reading Time: 2 minThe Discovery Channel has just released their own application today, aptly called “Discovery Channel”. This app features video clips, quizzes, photo galleries, program schedules and various other things. Sadly, the app doesn’t include full episodes for most shows — just a link to iTunes where you can buy the shows. Their full press release is […]
Civilization Revolution 1.0
Reading Time: < 1 minNot sure whether or not to get CivRev? I’ll make it pretty easy for you: If you’ve played and enjoyed a previous Civ game, you’ll love it. The graphics are great, the controls are solid, and it’s a well-built title. It’s a bit expensive ($9.99 right now), but not too bad. Plus, there is […]
Facebook 3.0
Reading Time: < 1 minFacebook 3.0 is coming out soon, well let you know how it is soon!
Do you REALLY trust your system?
Reading Time: 2 minAs I continue to grow in my use of GTD, I’m discovering just how important the trust factor with your system can be. David Allen says that you need to really trust your system for it to work. You can say you trust it all you want, but that’s irrelevant. When it comes down to […]
10 things that non-Diggers are wrong about
Reading Time: 4 minWhile the title says “non-Diggers”, this really applies to anyone who would visit this blog and say “what’s SEO stand for?” I find that very smart people are very confused about a wide array of technology-related items. Here are the 10 I hear most often: 10 — The Wii Remote needs to see the screen! […]
Google Notebook and Jott become less useful
Reading Time: < 1 minGoogle Notebook and Jott are two of the cogs in my GTD system, and both just announced news that makes them less desireable. Jott has just announced that they are ending their free service as of February 2. I was considering upgrading to their paid service anyhow so I could send notes directly to Nozbe, […]
Micro Center is heading downhill
Reading Time: 2 minI’ve always been a pretty big fan of Micro Center. Their prices are decent, and their selection is excellent — especially for small parts that places like Best Buy would never carry. However, they’re starting to have some issues, and it’s getting worse every time. It started a few months back. I went in there […]
CAPTCHAs are dead. Now what?
Reading Time: 2 minIf you run a vBulletin-based forum, you might have noticed a BIG influx of spam in the past few days. Spammers are no longer slowed by the vBulletin CAPTCHA, and according to Slashdot, aren’t slowed by a variety of others, either. For years, CAPTCHAs have been getting more and more complex in order to stop […]
Add your church site search to your Chrome home page
Reading Time: 2 minOne of the most talked about features of Google Chrome is the rather innovative home page. It shows your nine most often viewed sites, along with some goodies along the sidebar. The sidebar can include quick-search boxes for sites you often search. As often as I’m searching our church site, I thought it’d be great […]