Reading Time: 4 minThere are a lot of things coming with AI that I’m very excited about, and some that I’m dreading (like the deluge of AI-generated content we’re soon to face). One that I’m excited about in particular is the ability to use AI to help sort through my notes. My dream setup, in the future, is […]
The Kindle Sidekick
Reading Time: 2 minNot long ago, Grey and Myke from the excellent Cortex podcast released a new product called the “Sidekick Notepad“. It’s a paper notepad, intended to go between you and your keyboard, for quick notes throughout the day. Here’s a photo of it from their site: In listening to how it came together, it seems like […]
Do you want to garden your notes or not?
Reading Time: 3 minAs I’ve shared before, I’m all-in on using Obsidian for my note-taking right now. I’m very happy with how things are set up, and it’s working very well for me. As I’ve used various note-taking platforms over the years, I’ve grouped them together in different ways. One way I recently shared was Sync vs Saas […]
How much will AI change our world?
Reading Time: < 1 minIt’s the question on everyone’s mind these days — how much is AI going to shift everything in the coming years? No one knows the answer, but there are lots of people putting out their guesses. One of those is Tom Scott, and well-known and trusted YouTuber, who recently released a video with his take […]
We all have accessibility needs
Reading Time: < 1 minWebsite accessibility is something I’ve shared a lot about. We’ve written about it on the GreenMellen blog, devoted a podcast episode to it, and there are a handful of posts on here as well. Polishing up the accessibility of your website is a great thing, and makes it so all users can consume the content […]
Obsidian wins for now
Reading Time: 2 minA few months ago I started playing with the idea of migrating my notes from Obsidian over to Tana. Tana is a fantastic system and a great tool, but I’ve ultimately decided to keep things in Obsidian for a few reasons. Ownership While I have faith that Tana will be around for a while, using […]
Personal note-taking is going to change dramatically
Reading Time: 2 minMy history of using different note-taking tools over the years is well-documented in this blog, including my recent move from Obsidian to Tana. While Tana has some great features and I really enjoy using it, it’s ultimately just a slightly better version of the tools that came before it and I may end up moving […]
Google Reader hurt the internet the most
Reading Time: 2 minOver the years, Google has killed off a lot of products, with the “Killed by Google” site listing 280 of them as of now. Most were pretty small ones you’ve never heard of, but some were rather substantial. I was a big fan of Google+, and I’m still upset that they canceled Stadia. While those […]
ChatGPT Everywhere
Reading Time: 2 minAbout a week ago I published a post talking about ChatGPT and what it might eventually bring. If you aren’t familiar with what ChatGPT is, I encourage you to check out that post first and then come back here. In the week since then, usage of ChatGPT has continued to skyrocket, but now we’re also […]
Building in anticipation of new technology
Reading Time: < 1 minAs I’ve been migrating my notes over to Tana, I’ve noticed that I’m doing some things that Tana doesn’t support yet, but I’m hoping they will. For those that are curious, Tana doesn’t yet let you filter backlinks in a note, but I’m tagging all of my items with things like “#meeting” and “#call” in […]