We had our monthly praise service last night (which I run MediaShout for), and it reminded me of something that I wanted to share on here. I’ve found a neat way to keep continuity throughout the presentation, graphic-wise.
I find the main image that I like to use. Last night it was this big picture of a cross, with light streaming behind it. Then I create two images out of it. One is full color, with the name of the service on top of it, and I use that as the main image when they walk in, during the sermon, etc.
Then I take the original image again, without any text on it, and just darken it by about 50%. Then I use that as the background image behind the lyrics and Bible verses. When you transition between the two, MediaShout makes it seem really smooth. It slowly darkens as the text disappears, and then it’s ready for lyrics. When you go back to the main screen, the text reappears as the image brightens back up.
Anyhow, that’s my thought every week. I find my main image, create those two images, and go from there. Hope that helps!
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