We all experience many things, and there is a lot to be learned from those experiences. The question is: how do you actually learn from them?
As explained in Tara Jaye Frank’s book “The Waymakers“, it’s not the experience itself that creates the learning. She shares:
John Dewey, American philosopher, educator, and cofounder of the philosophical movement known as pragmatism, once said, “We do not learn from experiences, we learn from reflecting on experiences.”
That’s a big part of why I write every day. I have experiences, I learn things from reading, and I pick up ideas in conversations, but they all disappear if I don’t properly reflect on them.
Journaling can do a great job of this as well, so if you journal in private you’re likely gaining most of the benefits that I get from writing on here. In either case, finding time to reflect is key to making your experiences something that will create real growth.
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