In an effort to help me keep up with everything I post each week, here is my latest “Sunday Summary” of my posts from the week.
Mon, August 14: Share with context
I’ve historically been bad about forwarding messages to my team with the word “thoughts?”, but giving more context in those situations can help tremendously.
Tue, August 15: Answers come from understand, not knowledge
I work hard to grow my knowledge, which is helpful, but the real value comes from understanding. Knowledge can help with that, but you can’t stop there.
Wed, August 16: Avoid schlep blindness
I had never heard the term “schlep blindness” before, but now that I have I see it everywhere in small ways.
Thu, August 17: The world at 10 is perfect
When people think back to “when the world was better”, or wish things were like “the good old days”, it’s almost always a year right around when they were 10 years old.
Fri, August 18: No one considers themselves an expert if they really know their job
The more you understand what you do, the more you realize how much more is out there. If you think you’ve learned everything about your profession, you’re sunk.
Sat, August 19: There’s no such thing as like-minded
We all have different experiences and world views, so we can never be completely like-minded, but we can be “like-hearted” and want the same things in life.
I hope you found some value in this. If you ever have questions, ideas, or disagreements regarding anything I write, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
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