In an effort to help me keep up with everything I post each week, here is my latest “Sunday Summary” of my posts from the week.
Mon, June 12: If you finish your to-do list, that’s problematic
I’m a big advocate of getting things complete, like consistently hitting inbox zero, but your to-do list should always be full of ideas and things to try. The more you have in there, the more opportunity you have to pick out the highest-leverage ideas. That’s not unlike this blog; as of right now, I have eight more posts ready to go, but 32 ideas waiting to be written. The more ideas I have, the better.
Tue, June 13: Do you want to be seen as trustworthy? Be trustworthy.
This came from a quote regarding businesses, where it was said “Evidence suggests that the best way to acquire an enduringly positive corporate reputation is to simply be an enduringly positive company.“
Wed, June 14: The clarity of an idea is based on the person receiving it
This is something I’ve worked a lot on in recent years, and will continue to work on. If someone doesn’t understand what I’m trying to say, that’s almost always 100% my fault for being unclear. Particularly in an industry (digital marketing) with a lot of jargon, I need to be careful not to use too much of it.
Thu, June 15: A little Readwise every day
I’ve greatly under-appreciated the “Your daily Readwise” emails that they always send, and now I love them.
Fri, June 16: Visit your notes more often, not less
While AI and automation can be great, when it comes to my notes I’m always looking for ways to increase friction and force me to spend more time in them.
Sat, June 17: We tend to trust the skills of automatic people
If you are good at a skill, you’ll likely perform better if you get do it rather than think about it too much. I hope to get there someday with my golf game, but I have a very long way to go.
I hope you found some value in this. If you ever have questions, ideas, or disagreements regarding anything I write, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
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