In an effort to help me keep up with everything I post each week, here is my latest “Sunday Summary” of my posts from the week.
Mon, July 22: Movie tickets are sunk costs
“If you purchase a movie ticket, you have the ability to occupy a seat in the theater, but you don’t have to if a better opportunity presents itself. When you purchase the ticket, all you’re purchasing is the right to exercise the option to see the movie at the time specified—nothing more.”
Tue, July 23: Benjamin Franklin’s self-doubt led to the signing of the Constitution
On September 17, 1787, Benjamin Franklin gave a speech at the Constitutional Convention which led to the signing of the Constitution. Franklin wasn’t convinced that the document was perfect, but he also knew that maybe he was wrong and he encouraged everyone to move forward.
Wed, July 24: Is the meta work worth it?
One of the big challenges of productivity is determining what meta work (the work around your work) is worth your time.
Thu, July 25: The balance between lift and attribution
“They have to understand when you provide attribution, you miss almost every organic channel, every word-of-mouth-channel, almost every social engagement channel that’s organic, and almost every channel that doesn’t directly drive a link that passes a referral string.”
Fri, July 26: Attention spans aren’t getting shorter
“People are binge watching eight episodes of Netflix for seven hours on a Saturday afternoon. And then people are not watching a six second video after one second because it’s a piece of crap.”
Sat, July 27: Make decisions before circumstances force them to be made
“A good position allows you to think clearly rather than be forced by circumstances into a decision. One reason the best in the world make consistently good decisions is they rarely find themselves forced into a decision by circumstances.”
I hope you found some value in this. If you ever have questions, ideas, or disagreements regarding anything I write, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
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