The county is tearing up our streets again, and I’m not sure why. It seems to be some kind of conduit they’re laying down, but I’m not sure what for. It’s a mess.
A few years ago they made a huge mess laying down new water pipes down the street. They (intentionally) destroyed the bottom of all of our driveways and caused quite a headache for a while when they were working on it.
Before that, AT&T came through and laid fiber in the neighborhood. While they were doing it, they hit a gas line once, water once, and power twice. It was an adventure.
It was all a pain for us living in the neighborhood.
Here’s the thing, though: We have super fast internet, clean water, and reliable power. None of that happens without the hard work of constantly updating our infrastructure.
This post is as much for me as it is for anyone else, to remember to be grateful for what’s happening. Right now our streets are torn up, we have to take alternate routes through the neighborhood at times, and it’s just a big mess.
I’m so very thankful for it.
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